Animal rights protesters hurled abuse at families as they entered Zippos circus on Twickenham Green at the weekend.

Zippos' founder and owner, Martin Burton, said he heard parents called "child abusers" by the protesters, who represented sub-groups of Captive Animals' Protection Society (CAPS) and Animal Defenders International.

Mr Burton started Zippos as an animal-free circus 35 years ago, but put animals in the shows from 1996 to give children, who only see animals in zoos and on TV, a chance to get a closer look and in answer to "strong customer demand".

He said he had to calm one unhappy father down on Saturday after the man's daughter asked him, "why are they calling you a child abuser daddy?"

Mr Burton, who rejects claims that his animals are mistreated, as "rubbish", said he was close to calling the police and now regrets not doing so.

He said: "The protesters' behaviour was disgusting. I'm a bit of a hippie and strongly believe in the right to protest, but their arguments have no basis whatsoever and they went too far."

CAPS' campaigns manager Craig Redmond said: "It's time to end the outdated practice of forcing animals to perform for our amusement, particularly when there are lots of high-quality circuses that rely entirely on human skills.

"In the 21st century there can be no excuse for continuing to allow the treatment of animals in this way."