After accidently coming across your article about this prison I can confirm that all that was printed is true.

My son is currently awaiting sentence in High Down and has stated that they are locked up for 23/24 hrs a day. There is no exercise, education or association for days on end as there are not enough staff to oversee the inmates.

Sometimes they are even given cold food as no one to supervise the kitchen.

Their personal hygiene is also greatly reduced as not enough staff to monitor washrooms so showers are few and far between.

On visit days you can be waiting in visits room for up to an hour before the inmate arrives and then 30mins later are told visit is finished which causes a lot of anger and upset for both staff and inmates. Several visitors have also witnessed bulling and intimidation and sometimes violence towards inmates by stressed officers.

This is not just my opinion because my son is there but also other inmates and their families that I have spoke to.

A lot of people I have spoke to have said that this is making inmates restless as they have no structure or routine and some men need this. People will not speak out for fear of repercussion to their loved ones currently serving time at High Down so I'm glad that you have raised this topic.

This is a prison very much in crisis.

Name supplied
Via email