In reply to the letters in The Epsom Guardian issue dated March 6th, I'm really concerned that Tina Mountain has somehow been elected as a county councillor. 

Clearly in this case, she has no idea of what she is saying.

She says that she is opposed to development, But she should know that my caravan is not development in any shape or form. No planning is required for my caravan. The council will confirm this.

Sadly Tina Mountain, is out of control and she is being silly.  She has undermined her own case by the things she has said, which are simply unsubstantiated and unsupported.  The council has had a knee jerk reaction to a few complaints, and Tina Mountain has jumped on the bandwagon to make a name for herself. But it has backfired on her big time. She has bullied me. 

In regard to the reply by BP Peacock, he clearly isn't much better.  I haven’t flouted any laws, or any planning.

I remind him that I won my last appeal against the council on my first point. The planning inspector didn’t even bother to consider my other points, as I'd already won.

So, in that issue I was proved to be right.....again.   It's no good people who have little knowledge making assumptions just because they don’t like something.

BP Peacock was wrong, and I was proved to be right. Thank you.  PB Peacock lowers himself and resorts to silly childlike insults, by saying I’m not simple-minded is that?

In regard to the reply by David Kerr, he clearly has no idea of the situation either. He mentions my cars ( I won that appeal), and my wall.  My lovely wall is permitted development.

The council will confirm that.  Some idiot on the estate reported it as dangerous. The council came round to inspect it, and said it was a good substantial wall, and it wasn’t going to fall over!

As a qualified civil engineer, I know how to build a wall.  It is not your usual basic wall.  Its 200mm thick when a normal wall is 65mm thick. It sits on reinforced concrete foundations, So it's not going anywhere.  Ever.

If my lovely wall was "illegal" or needed planning the council would have issued another enforcement notice....and they haven’t.  In fact, quite the reverse. The council have confirmed that the wall is permitted development.

I'm really lost to explain the mentality of some people on this estate. They just think that because they don't like something it's wrong. Anyone with some intelligence would realise this isn't the case.

TWM Solicitors acting for the estate management referred me to my property deeds. They threatened me with court action stating that I am in breach of some covenants. But the covenants they produced could not possibly apply to my property.

Finally, one should take a good look round the Woodcote estate to see just how badly maintained it is. The management company have no maintenance schedules for road repairs, drainage, or cleaning.  The roads are in a shocking state, and poor drainage causes flooding. It should also be remembered that houses on the Woodcote estate are built on clay, and this causes subsidence. 

Nevil True
Via email