I have read several letters online from various representatives of the Residents’ Association (RA) in reply to your article about County Councillor Tina Mountain.

I note that they all address the title of the article, about the RA using dirty politics against Tina, which only related to a short paragraph in a long article.

They however ignore the many real issues in the article and variously try to do her down through various allegations.

In doing so they are actually proving the title to be right.

To address one major issue mentioned in the article: the RA party has allowed Epsom to go steadily downhill in recent years - the new housing around the station, the increase in charity and payday loan shops and so forth are all good examples.

But when any new ideas are put forward, for example doing something about the high parking charges in Epsom, everything is impossible to change.

Perhaps the RA could work harder at imaginative thinking about moving Epsom forward instead of sniping at Conservatives.

Several of the letters try to smear Tina by alleging she has been inactive.

As part of her College Conservatives team I have seen her, and in some cases helped her, be active in recent months on

  • Save Epsom Hospital campaign;
  • Zone 6/ Oyster campaign;
  • getting children into more suitable schools and indeed in general dealing with inadequate schools provision in Epsom (also mentioned in the article);
  • getting a fire near St Christopher’s put out as a cloud of smoke was proving a hazard to children;
  • reporting and getting numerous potholes dealt with (College Road, Downs Hill Road for example);
  • helping save the bridle path off Downs Road from developers... and more.

Not all county matters, but all in the interests of residents, which is what really matters.

That is not bad for less than six months and if we had more active councillors like Tina working hard for Epsom I’m sure it would be a better place.

Jose Fiuza; former Conservative party candidate for Epsom and Ewell Council