My sister in law died in the Princess Alice Hospice on June 22nd this year, my mother in 2007.

The care they both received was wonderful as was the support for the whole family.

We are therefore dedicated to supporting the excellent work they do and with that in mind I recently delivered 7 bags of goods to the Epsom shop.

With no back entrance to use I was obliged to stop outside in the bus lane and imagine my dismay at being given a parking ticket!

I stopped at 11.50am, the ticket was issued at 11.51am and I was in the town hall lodging an appeal at 12noon so caused an "obstruction" for approximately 5 minutes, certainly less than 10.

I have today heard that the powers that be have decided to uphold the notice as I was "on a restricted bus stop or stand"

I think they will find I was not, as the bus stop is further along than the shop and also there was a bus parked there at the time and a lorry behind on the double yellow lines who was not ticketed.

I was advised that had I parked further away I would not, like the lorry, have been given a ticket. But to carry bags of heavy books prohibited that and would have meant me being stopped longer.

I will pay the fine to avoid it doubling to £70 and happy to do so in support of the hospice. However, I feel it does create an issue for the charities.

How are they supposed to accept donations?

And what sort of society is it that common sense and flexibility cannot be applied in certain circumstances?

I would warn other local residents to take heed of the situation I find myself in and take care when supporting the many charity shops in the high street.

I also hope that the man who gave me the ticket with such zeal, and who earned commission no doubt, never needs the help of the hospice.

Tracy McDonough SRN/RM
Via email