The local Epsom & Ewell U3A will be holding an ‘Open House’ at Bourne Hall, Ewell on the morning of Wednesday 15th May from 1000 to 1200. It is a unique opportunity to find out all about the organisation and meet the leaders / co-ordinators of the many special interest and study groups. These cover a wide range of subjects from languages and history to croquet, walking and board games. Plus there are outings, holidays, theatre trips and monthly coffee mornings.

Most people look forward to their retirement as the time when they can forsake the daily grind of work and doing what the ‘boss’ requires. But those who fail to take advantage of their new leisure time can become bored, depressed and aimless. However research has shown that retirees who take full advantage of their new found leisure, make retirement the best time of their lives and live longer!

Based on information supplied by David Blackmore.